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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
Mage Grandmaster Recipes Volume XI
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Brokenskull Bay: Bilgewater Falls [Solo]
a bilge rat
a Brokenskull pirate lookout
a Brokenskull pirate slur
a chest of booty
Brokenskull Bay: Hoist the Yellow Jack [Heroic]
a chest of booty
Brokenskull Bay: Spoils of Maraud [Contested]
a bilge slime
a Brokenskull bouncer
a Brokenskull drunkard
a Brokenskull pirate
a Brokenskull pirate fisher
a Brokenskull pirate lookout
a Brokenskull pirate slur
a Brokenskull pirate wench
Beggar Jonesy
Deckmaster Vasril
Jailer Krentis Van'Iesen
Spotter Ratigan
Castle Highhold [Solo]
a Nox Va'Xin
an Ov'Dyn Centien
Sa'Dax Senshali
Ossuary: Resonance of Malice [Solo]
a cultist sacrificer
Ossuary: Sanguine Fountains [Heroic]
potential malice convert
Phantom Sea
a bone rot warrior
a brackwater monitor
a brittlebone skitterer
a Brokenskull pirate lookout
a curse crab
a cursed draft eel
a dread wolf
a Dreadkeep dragoon
a Dreadkeep reaver
a Dreadkeep wizard
a Ghorkaal cursespinner
a Ghorkaal deathweaver
a Ghorkaal fisherman
a grey geode
a Kithicor armapine
a Kithicor pincer
a risen iksar
a risen Mucktail
a risen Shralok
a savage pterodon
a shadow Senshali
a toxic stegodon
an Akhevan lifetaker
an Akhevan mercenary
an Allu'thoa landhunter
an Allu'thoa tenderfoot
an arcane runestone
an arcane waterspout
an undergolem
General V'ghera
Grim Dealings
Tranquil Sea
a covetous grimling
a Lost battlemaster
a Lost webhunter
a rampaging apatodon
a ruby emperor
a thresh fin
a twisted Far Seas crew member
a twisted hominid
a twisted sentience
a twisted softshell
a twisted spider
a viscous tar elemental
a withered husk
an acquisitive grimling
an adamantine karkata
an agitated grimling
an Allu'thoa boneshadow
an Allu'thoa bowmaster
an Allu'thoa spinemaster
an animated coral
an avaricious grimling
He Who Thunders
Zavith'loa: The Hidden Caldera [Solo]
an Allu'thoa lookout
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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