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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
Gum Ball
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Doomfire, the Burning Lands
a jopal guardian
a jopal lavahurler
Doomfire: Elements of Rage [Expert]
a Deadalus disciple
a Deadalus fantatic
Doomfire: The Enkindled Towers [Expert]
a jopal gatherer
a jopal hunter
a jopal lavahurler
Doomfire: The Enkindled Towers [Solo]
a jopal gatherer
a jopal guardian
a jopal hunter
a jopal lavahurler
Eryslai: The Bixel Hive [Heroic]
a crackling stormrider
Eryslai: The Bixel Hive [Solo]
a crackling stormrider
a honeymonger stormrider
Frostfang Sea
Ground Spawn
Greater Faydark
Ground Spawn
Loping Plains
a gremlin muse
a gremlin trickster
Ground Spawn
Ground Spawn
Nektulos Forest
Ground Spawn
Qeynos Capitol District
Ground Spawn
Qeynos Province District
Ground Spawn
Raj'Dur Plateaus
a dryland corpsebeak
Raj'Dur Plateaus: Blood and Sand [Heroic I]
a giant vulture
Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Heroic III]
a coastal carrion feeder
Shard of Fear
a singing scareling
Shard of Hate
a scorn fiend
Shard of Hate: Utter Contempt [Heroic]
a spiteful fiend
a wicked fiend
Shard of Hate: Utter Contempt [Solo]
a spiteful fiend
a wicked fiend
Siren's Grotto: Tavalan Abyss [Heroic]
a mischievous frightling
Spirit's Resonance
an impish firestarter
Steamfont Mountains
Chortle the imp
Sultan's Mahallah: Daggers Drawn [Raid]
The City of Freeport
Ground Spawn
The Eidolon Jungle
a gibbering fearling
a wretched fearling
The Lesser Faydark
a summoned minion
Throne of Fear (Heroic)
an ireblind imp
Throne of Fear: Ascension [Advanced Solo]
an ireblind imp
Timorous Deep
Ground Spawn
Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands
a vekerchiki combatant
a vekerchiki drone
a vekerchiki warrior
Vegarlson: Council's Stronghold [Solo]
a vekerchiki lacerator
a vekerchiki macerator
Vegarlson: Ruins of Rathe [Expert]
a vekerchiki drone
Vegarlson: Ruins of Rathe [Heroic]
a vekerchiki drone
Vegarlson: Ruins of Rathe [Solo]
a vekerchiki drone
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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