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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
simple arcane formula
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold
a Bloodskull fanatic
a Bloodskull inner guard
a Bloodskull mender
a Bloodskull protector
a Bloodskull soldier
a Bloodskull warlock
Bloodskull Valley: The Training Grounds
a Bloodskull Mahut trainer
Butcherblock Mountains
a Haoaeran lightchanter
a Kragploom predator
a Krulkiel archer
a Krulkiel grunt
a Krulkiel tracker
a Tidesylph ritualist
a Yarpsnarl ravager
an aqua goblin
Crushbone Keep
a Crushbone centurion
a Crushbone conscript
a Crushbone thaumaturgist
a Crushbone watchman
a D'Vinnian dragoon
Edgewater Drains
a Murkwater veteran
Fallen Gate
a blighted bouncer
a blighted denizen
a blighted patron
a blighted savage
a blighted shopkeeper
a blighted warmonger
a fallen explorer
a martyr of Tseralith
a meat stripper
a servitor of Tseralith
a Thexian dragoon
a Thexian excavator
a Thexian explorer
a tormented battlemage
a tormented taskmaster
a tortured invader
a tortured raider
a tortured ranger
an anguished glutton
an inquisitor of Tseralith
Gobblerock's Hideout
a Gobblerock grunt
Greater Faydark
a Crushbone emissary
Nektulos Forest
a Dragoon sentry
a mist grinnin savage
a scavenging ghoul
a shambling flesh being
a supply vigilante
Rite of Passage
a failed contestant
a bone blood lookout
a defiled cavalier
a defiled knight
a horde knight
a sealed strongbox
a zombie handmaiden
The Commonlands
a Dervish heretic
The Condemned Catacomb
a brittle bones
a Necrosis guard
The Cove of Decay
a barnacle covered skeleton
a decayed corsair
The Cove of Decay: A Treaty for Treasure
a Bloodsaber diver
a Bloodsaber medic
The Crypt of Betrayal
a Bloodsaber inquisitor
a Bloodsaber sentinel
a diseased corpse
a tortured essence
an agonized essence
The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget
a starving dervish footpad
The Prize of Prexus
a Deathfist marauder
The Roekillik Excavation
Reverent Controller
The Ruins of Varsoon
a servant of Varsoon
a Varsoon guard
a Varsoon jailor
The Serpent Sewer
a Murkwater abettor
The Thundering Steppes
a drowned veteran
a fallen goliath
a Firerock giant
a Firerock goliath
a Sabertooth looter
a Sabertooth scout
a Sabertooth spotter
a skeletal footsoldier
a Skindancer defiler
a Steelhoof hunter
a Steelhoof invader
a Varsoon apprentice
a wandering dead
an alluring siren
an Amazon archer
an entrancing siren
an unearthed settler
an unearthed villager
The Tomb of Valor
a restless stormlord
Timorous Deep
Assault Captain Frazykyr
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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