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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
a chunk of petrified wood
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Phantom Sea
a bone rot bard
a bone rot magician
a bone rot warrior
a brackwater monitor
a brittlebone skitterer
a Brokenskull pirate lookout
a carrion pest
a curse crab
a cursed draft eel
a dread wolf
a Dreadkeep dragoon
a Dreadkeep reaver
a Dreadkeep wizard
a frenzied Clotl'thoa zealot
a Ghorkaal cursespinner
a Ghorkaal deathweaver
a Ghorkaal fisherman
a Ghorkaal necromancer
a Ghorkaal poisonspinner
a Ghorkaal shadowknight
a grey geode
a grimling skullsmasher
a grimling spellsplitter
a Kithicor armapine
a Kithicor pincer
a malignant shadow
a piranha
a ravenous cerodon
a risen iksar
a risen Mucktail
a risen Shralok
a rotwood ent
a rumbling tide walker
a savage pterodon
a sea angler
a shadow Senshali
a steam worm
a sulfuric viscid
a toxic stegodon
a wandering skeleton
a wood spider
an Akhevan mercenary
an Allu'thoa landhunter
an Allu'thoa magmacaster
an allu'thoa rider
an Allu'thoa spiritbinder
an Allu'thoa tenderfoot
an arcane runestone
an undead ranger
an undergolem
an undertok
an urzarach arcanist
an urzarach battlemaster
an urzarach webhunter
General V'ghera
Grenix Mucktail
Heirophant Grazan
Maldyn Greenburn
V'hallis En
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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