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EQ2U has been updated for Scars of Destruction, including Recipes, Achievements, Collections, and more. If YOU want to help us add Scars of Destruction Quests to EQ2U, please visit your Active Quest Journal and find further instructions there!
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Murky Salvation of the Tranquil
Salvation of the Tranquil increases your Wisdom and intelligence.
3 seconds
30 minutes
10 seconds

Salvation of the Tranquil
Applies Salvation of the Tranquil when Activated. Lasts for 30 minutes.
  Increases WIS and INT of caster by 5.3.
Game Link:
Discovery Dates for this Item
UnknownSkyfireDec 3, 2004 @ 10:15:39pm
SertainHalls of FateDec 5, 2004 @ 10:43:01am
UnknownStormsDec 25, 2004 @ 4:30:14pm
UnknownAntonia BayleApr 16, 2005 @ 8:56:37am
UnknownMaj'DulMay 18, 2005 @ 4:10:29pm
UnknownThurgadinMay 24, 2005 @ 10:19:26pm
UnknownSebilisJul 17, 2005 @ 1:32:00pm
UnknownNagafen (old)May 29, 2006 @ 10:11:24pm
Historical Item Discovery Data
Unknown or HiddenCrushboneNov 21, 2004 @ 8:33:06 pm
SkylherGukNov 27, 2004 @ 6:06:12 am
Unknown or HiddenPermafrostDec 3, 2004 @ 10:15:39 pm
SertainEverfrostDec 5, 2004 @ 10:43:01 am
Unknown or HiddenStormsDec 25, 2004 @ 4:30:14 pm
Unknown or HiddenButcherblockMay 18, 2005 @ 4:10:29 pm
Unknown or HiddenNagafenMay 29, 2006 @ 10:11:24 pm