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EQ2U has been updated for Scars of Destruction, including Recipes, Achievements, Collections, and more. If YOU want to help us add Scars of Destruction Quests to EQ2U, please visit your Active Quest Journal and find further instructions there!
You can help support continued development by becoming an EQ2U Scholar (Patreon). Mercenaries are NOW AVAILABLE for EQ2U Scholars (Patreon supporters). Already a subscriber? Add your Patreon e-mail address.
Concealed Deepcutter's Plate Helm
2,464 Primary Attributes
4,814 Stamina
95,145 Power
151,400 Health
113.1 DPS
245 Resolve
9711.6 Potency
16.5 Flurry
407 Overcap Crit Bonus
Plate Armor (Head)



Berserker, Guardian, Inquisitor, Paladin, Shadowknight, Templar
Adornment Slots:
White, Red
Game Link:
Crowdsourced Loot Data
This item is a known drop from the following NPCs:
Taja VerathShadeweaver's Thicket: Loda Kai Isle [Expert Event]
Discovery Dates for this Item
UnknownHalls of FateJun 22, 2021 @ 11:28:24pm
ThreetoadMaj'DulJun 23, 2021 @ 1:12:55am
UwopoAntonia BayleJun 23, 2021 @ 1:42:24pm
GarithelasSkyfireJun 23, 2021 @ 3:55:06pm
KutkhuThurgadinJun 23, 2021 @ 9:11:39pm
VinereeIsle of RefugeJun 25, 2021 @ 5:31:47pm