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APRIL 11, 2024 -- EQ2U now has official Ballads of Zimara and Darkpaw Rising Quest and Collection data!
Thanks to Tune, we now have Vendor Item Lists for The Shadow Odyssey in preparation for the next TLE server unlock!
You can help support continued development by becoming an EQ2U Scholar (Patreon). Mercenaries are NOW AVAILABLE for EQ2U Scholars (Patreon supporters). Already a subscriber? Add your Patreon e-mail address.
Category: Obulus Frontier
Kutgurk, a Bloody Tooth goblin I met on the Warslik's river bank, east of Twark, told me how another goblin, Gabrowg, demands payment from anyone who tries to use the bridge from Warslik's Wood to Twark, even other goblins. Kutgurk has hired me to get rid of him!
Shareable (Complete)
In order to collect my pay, I will have to confront Gabrowg the goblin of the Twark bridge.
Confront Gabrowg (in Obulus Frontier)
There must be some way to get close enough to Gabrowg, the goblin of the Twark bridge, for a fight without causing him to throw up his magical defenses.
Find a way to defeat Gabrowg (in Obulus Frontier)
I have to return to Kutgurk, on the Warslik's river bank, east of Twark, to collect my payment for removing Gabrowg.
Return to Kutgurk (in Obulus Frontier)
At least 1 53 09
At least 14,965 XP.
All of these items:
Quest Rewards above are only the guaranteed XP, faction, and coin rewarded for this quest. Status points and rewards limited by class, race, alignment, etc. are unavailable.