Dahnji Hujara, a member of The Jharin I met while visiting the Celebration House in Shar Vahl, explained the different roles The Jharin play for their people, including historians and entertainers, considering their society has long abhorred the written word, this is very important. He gave me something they call an echo stone. It was magically crafted to retain vocalizations. Young Jharin use them to help their memorization.
Shareable (Complete)
By using "Purrik's Tale - an Echo Stone" I should be able to hear a tale, as if it is being spoken by a Vah Shir Hymnist.
Use echo stone to listen to the story entry
I'll continue to use "Purrik's Tale - an Echo Stone" as I attempt to retrace the steps of Purrik's Tale in Savage Weald.
Venture out into Savage Weald from Shar Vahl (in Savage Weald)
Continue listening to Purrik's Tale (in Savage Weald)
Find the fork in the river - that must be Savarah's Paw (in Savage Weald)
Continue listening to Purrik's Tale (in Savage Weald)
Travel northeast from Savarah's Paw to find a grimling camp (in Savage Weald)
Continue listening to Purrik's Tale (in Savage Weald)
Find caves filled with grimlings within Savage Weald (in Savage Weald)
Continue listening to Purrik's Tale (in Savage Weald)
Search for waters falling from the Tenebrous Mountains (in Savage Weald)
Continue listening to Purrik's Tale (in Savage Weald)
According to Purrik's Tale, as recited by the echo stone, Danarin Purrik's burial site should be located somewhere west of Dreamspinner Falls in Savage Weald.
Search for Purrik's burial site (in Savage Weald)
Purrik's boar tusk carving must be the significant item Dahnji hinted at. I should gather it. (in Savage Weald)
I should return to Shar Vahl with Purrik's boar tusk carving.
Return to Dahnji at Celebration House in Shar Vahl
Speak with Hymnist Bahraj at The Jharin Assemblage
Quest Rewards above are only the guaranteed XP, faction, and coin rewarded for this quest. Status points and rewards limited by class, race, alignment, etc. are unavailable.