Drolvarg (Fury)
Activating this item will allow for you to use "a drolvarg shaman," in your Dungeon Maker Dungeons. It will spawn as: Boss: drolvarg (fury)
Adds Boss: Drolvarg (Fury) to your Dungeon Maker toolbox
Elemental Wave-Jelly (Coercer) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "an undulant seer" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: elemental wave-jelly
Class: coercer
Elemental Wave-Ice (Berserker) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "an undulant gouger" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: elemental wave-ice
Class: berserker
Golem (Fury) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "a stolid sentinel" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: golem
Class: fury
Wasp (Troubador) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "a cinder wasp harbinger" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: wasp
Class: troubador
Golem-Jade (Ranger) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "a watchful sentinel" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: golem-jade
Class: ranger
Elemental Wave-Magma (Conjuror) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "an undulant conjuror" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: elemental wave-magma
Class: conjuror
Tallonite (Monk)-alt 1 (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "a tallonite recluse" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: tallonite
Class: monk
Ettin (Assassin) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "a stalking ettin" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: ettin
Class: assassin
Coldain (Necromancer) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "a coldain corpse taker" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: coldain
Class: necromancer
Geonid (Monk) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "a geonid fighter" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: geonid
Class: monk
Coldain (Wizard) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "a coldain war wizard" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: coldain
Class: wizard
Willowisp-Clockwork (Swashbuckler) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "a clockwork willowisp drifter" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: willowisp-clockwork
Class: swashbuckler
Golem (Shadowknight) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "a storm golem juggernaut" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: golem
Class: shadowknight
Greater Essence of Radiance
Right-click on a weapon and choose "Apply Aura" to use this item. Requires the auras feature.
Elemental Wave-Magma (Inquisitor) (Limited)
This item may be placed on the floor of player-made dungeons.
This will spawn a single "an undulant protector" to defend your dungeon from attackers. Only one of this creature can be placed for each in your inventory.
Race: elemental wave-magma
Class: inquisitor
Item Discoveries |
Slyvac was first to discover 16 items* on their server**.
*NOTE: Characters are credited for an item discovery if they were the first to discover it on their server. A world discovery (which displays a trophy) is if they were the first to discover it on ALL servers. Please view the Item Details page for any item to see historical item discovery pages for retired servers. Unfortunately we do not have item discovery data for the 2011 round of server merges (Everfrost, Permafrost, etc.).